

Samoa Greg Hopping


Good fish are being landed wide of Fale Faa and northeast of Apia FAD. Team Troppo reports that, after being a bit patchy during February, March saw yellowfin tuna catches steadily improving, with fish to 55kg being landed.
An early run of mahimahi has also seen many anglers land their favourite table fish around the FADs and through the middle grounds between the 2,000m and 3,000m lines.
Meanwhile, blue marlin and wahoo are on the chew north of Solo Solo, wahoo wide of Faleolo and spanish mackerel over the inshore bombies, right around the islands. This augurs well for all those Kiwi teams that have taken advantage of the sponsored shipping rates being offered to ship their boats to Samoa and compete in our 2024 SIGFA International Tournament, which is being held during the last week of April.
As we head into May, the easterly trade winds will kickĀ in and schools of scad will hit the inshore reefs, attracting even more of the big pelagics.
March saw yellowfin tuna catches steadily improving, with fish to 55kg being landed.
The cooler water temperatures will ensure that catches of blue marlin, mahimahi and wahoo will increase steadily as we head into our drier winter months.