


Paul Pasisi
With cyclone season safely behind us, we are seeing more settled weather and managing to get the gear wet most days, which is great!
The wahoo are returning, and some decent catches of respectable fish are being reported already, which is encouraging this early in the year. There have also been a few small mahimahi caught from small schools that have been scattered around the island and on the southern offshore FAD.
A mixed bag of tasty early-season arrivals.
While only midgets at this stage, they have provided some fun on light tackle and certainly some fantastic eating.
Extremely strong currents, coupled with heavy swells, have sadly resulted in the recent loss of two of our most productive offshore FADs. This is a big blow for us, and we hope the Fisheries Department will be able to deploy replacements as soon as possible so aggregation can get under way – hopefully they will be holding fish when the new season begins in June.
Bottom fishing has been very productive when currents have allowed it, and the fish, particularly the deep snappers, have been in excellent condition.