When was the last time you did something for the first time?
Here’s what I think: dull daily routine breeds boredom and apathy, while spontaneity, novelty, and adventure are the formulae for a life well-lived. True wealth is found not in material things but in lived experiences and rich memories. After all, what use is that shiny ticked-up ute, newest-generation smartphone, or flash TV when you finally cark it? You can’t take them to your grave with you.
So… have you always dreamed of taking a trip to Fiordland? We’ve got the inspo you need right here, courtesy of Etoile Smulders (a.k.a. @captain_ smulders). Etoile exemplifies the YOLO mentality and shows us what to expect in the land of moss and monsters – check out Fiordland Fantasy on page 4.
Are you fed up with the repetitive daily grind and want to try a new career? Then have a read of this month’s ColorCote Tradie Profile (page 10) to find out how the Radfords have kept things interesting in their careers while also managing to make a comfortable living.
Sick of meat and three veg, or microwaved spaghetti with little pieces of bread chopped up in it? Try some Mexican for a change! Turn to page 22 for a crispy fish taco recipe from the king of the Kiwi BBQ: Simon Walden.
Been thinking about trying a new sport? Then flip to page 24, where bonified trout whisperer Andrew Harding lays out the foundations of fly fishing and decodes some wacky myths that might hold you back.
As always, get in touch if you have any stories of your own to share. We want to hear from you! Message us on Instagram (@offsite_magazine) or email me at jason@nzfishingnews.co.nz.
– Jason Harman